11th Bipartite Settlement Demands - There is lot of fuss about higher salary demand of banker's. People are feeling uncomfortable if demand for higher wage sought for Public Sector Bank employees.
This time bank's union should forget their differences and fight under one uniform banner to settle the wage for bank officers, Clerks and other sub ordinate staff. This is necessity of time and if bankers not able to unite in 11th bipartite settlement, they would surely loose in long term in term of every thing and in worst case for merging and privatization of public sector banks.
There are many reason for demanding higher salary by banker's in 11th Bipartite settlement.The main reason are :
1. Banker's salary are least paid as per the industry standard. If compare with other department of government employees, even LIC , Banker's are not being paid anywhere near to them. There is dire need of filling the bridge between salaries of central government and banker's other wise we would not get the quality work force in future.
2. Now there is no charm in bank salary. Young and bright candidates are not opting banking as their careers. There are high attrition rate for highly qualified and meritorious candidates as compared to any other sector or industry.
3. Banks are now moving towards Digitization post demonetization. Digital banking required qualified and smart people to work. Further, nearly 40% of the existing staff in the banking industry retire in the normal course by 2020.
4. Daily new type of work are being carried to banks. This requires a lot of work force for smooth running of normal operation.
5. In order to attract the bright and young workforce, we need to make the salary package lucrative. If we need to retain the quality work force, we will have to make the salary attractive.
6. Inter bank union participation should be removed. All the bank union should plan the draft of charted of demand, keeping all the staff of public sector bank aware.
7. If Bank union fails to achieve the desired target of salary scale in this 11th Bipartite, they should leave the bipartite settlement and join the central government CPC scales.