As usual and expected, SBI did it again. State Bank of India (SBI) management has submitted the mandate to Indian Banker's Association (IBA) for settlement of salary to employees up to scale III only on 11th Bipartite Settlement which is upcoming due on 01st Nov 2017.
First negotiation meeting between Bank's Union and representative of IBA was held on 02nd May 2017 where UFBU has submitted the Charter of demands.
This is being informed that Management of State Bank of India (SBI) has given mandate to IBA for settlement of salary under 11th Bipartite to officers up to scale III only without consulting the Bank Union in this respect. All India State Bank Officers’ Federation (AISBOF) has shown strong displeasure to this and has written to the Chairman of SBI.
AISBOF is also 'requesting' the SBI Management for revised mandate to IBA for authorizing AISOBF for negotiation on behalf of all scales as per the recommendation of Pillai Committee.
For previous ten bipartite, traditionally negotiations are being done on behalf of all the bank employees, irrespective of scales i.e. Scale I to VII.
Y Sudarshan, General Secretary of AISBOF stated that “The conditional mandate goes against the spirit of bilateralism. This is followed so far at industry level. Such type of activities hurt the sentiments not only at the bank level but also at the industry level.
SBI Union has threaten that If management doesn't listen to their word, they would go on agitation.