11th Bipartite Settlement meeting update with IBA - As informed earlier, a round of discussion was held by the Sub-Committee of IBA Negotiating Committee with our organisations on 2nd August, 2017 at IBA office in Mumbai.
In his opening remarks, Shri Rakesh Sharma, Chairman of the Sub Committee stated that IBA would like to expedite the whole process of negotiations as early as possible and appeal to the unions to keep the demands at reasonable level looking to the present situation of Banks’ performance.
From our side, we responded by stating that Unions would also like to conclude the settlement expeditiously and would surely adopt a reasonable approach to resolve the demands amicably.
During the discussions, the following issues were taken up for deliberations:
• Introduction of 5 Day Banking
• Improvements and better management of Medical Insurance Scheme
• Proper implementation of compassionate ground appointment scheme in all Banks as per Government guidelines
• Introduction of Leave Bank system
• Staff Welfare Scheme allocation based on Operating profits of Banks
• Problems of physically challenged employees
• Problems of women employees
• Problems of Ex-servicemen employees
• Intra-cadre career progression scheme
• Revision in income criteria for dependent
• Improvement in compensation on transfer of employees
There were meaningful discussions on these issues and it was decided to continue the discussions with further inputs in order to reach some consensus on the same.
IBA team also wanted some of these issues to be discussed further among themselves before the same can be taken forward.
It was decided that in the next round of meeting, further issues also would be taken up for deliberations.
It was decided that the next round of discussions would be held on 23.08.2017.