A message is in circulation that the DFS has declared banking industry as Public Utility Service w.e.f. 25/10/18 valid for 6 months under Industrial Dispute Act,1947 and the same gives power to the Government to invoke Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA) whenever bankers plan for Indefinite Strike.
In this regard it is to inform that there is nothing new in this.
The Govt has been declaring banking as essential service every six months for the last several decades and the same can be observed from the circulars issued by the bank from time time.
Even the present notification of the Labour Ministry says that the last declaration was w.e.f. 25.04.2018 which means that the present notification is only the renewal of earlier notification which was due to expire this month.
All the strikes observed by us all these years were when the banking was declared as essential service and there will not be any change because of the present notification.
By : Banker's Union
By : Banker's Union
Banking News