11th Bipartite Wage Settlement Status - Another round of Bipartite Talks was held today in Mumbai between IBA and
our 5 Workman Unions.
IBA was represented by Mr. Rakesh Sharma, (MD of IDBI Bank), Chairman
of the Small Negotiating Committee, Mr. V G Kannan, Chief Executive, IBA,
Mrs. Reeta Kaul, GM-HR, PNB, Mr. Iswar Chandra Mishra, GM-HR, Bank of
India, Mr. B Rajkumar, Dy. Chief Executive, IBA, Mr. Sanjay Prakash DGMHR, SBI, Mr S K Kakkar, Sr Advisor-HR, IBA and Mr. K. S Chauhan, Sr Vice
President, IBA. We were represented by our five Workman Unions.
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Issues which were discussed in the meeting
• Transportation of personal effects by train or road while on transfer from one station to another: Some improvements would be considered looking to entitlement of officers.
• Increase in Breakage Allowance while on transportation of personal effects: agreed to increase the existing entitlement by 10% for both With Receipt Basis and Declaration Basis.
• Festival Advance to employees – increase in quantum: Agreed to finalise it by discussion in the main negotiating committee and recommend to the Government.
• Problems of Ex-servicemen employees in fitment, etc: Government guidelines from the Finance Ministry are being implemented. Circular with FAQ will be prepared and sent to all Banks for proper implementation of the Government guidelines.
• Definition of family for coverage under Group Medical Insurance Policy – Any two of parents or parents-in-law to be covered: Matter will be taken up with United India Insurance Company.
• Privilege Leave taken on sick grounds where sick leave is exhausted should not be counted as an occasion in the entitlement of 4 occasions in an year: Agreed.
• Maternity Leave can be availed in combination and continuation of other kinds of leave: Agreed.
Follow up action in issues covered by Record Note on retirees issues dated 25-5-2015:
• LFC for retired employees – IBA is not in favour. • Fixing the premium on medical insurance scheme for retirees – Separate discussions will be held with UFBU.
• Increase in Ex-Gratia Pension to pre-1986 retirees/spouses – will be recommended to Government. • Revision of Family Pension – will be discussed further in the full negotiating committee.
• Updation of pension and periodical revision in pension along with wage revision for in-service employees - will be discussed further in the full negotiating committee.
• Revision in DA on pension on quarterly basis like serving employees - will be discussed further in the full negotiating committee.
• Allocation of fund for Staff Welfare Schemes based on Operating Profits instead of Net Profit – matter has been recommended to Government and their decision is awaited.
Issues relating to Disciplinary Action and Procedure:
• These issues were discussed in a Small Committee of IBA and Workman Unions. The gist of the discussions, the issues raised by us and their response are given below:
• Eligibility for claiming TA/DA by the Defence Representatives for attending departmental enquiries held outside the State. ➢ Such claims will be sanctioned by Banks looking to the merits of the claims.
• Improvement and enhancement in rates of Subsistence Allowance payable to employees on suspension.
➢ Matter will be discussed further in the Full Negotiating Committee
• Indiscriminate use of Clause 5(j) relating to acts alleged as prejudicial to the interest of the Bank
➢ “Doing any act prejudicial to the interest of the Bank” will be included under Minor Misconduct as a new Clause 7(q).
• Clarification with regard to provision of Clause 6(e) of Settlement dt 10-4-2002 i.e. bringing down by two stages in the scale of pay
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➢ The specific period of rigour shall be mentioned in the punishment order. It can be for a maximum of 2 years without cumulative effect and annual increment/stagnation increment falling due during the rigour period will be released on respective due dates.
Clarification to be given that acts of minor misconducts clearly enumerated under Clause 7 of Settlement dated 10.4.2002 should not be brought as major misconduct under Clause 5. ➢ Unions’ contention is agreed upon.
• Multiple charges for one incident should not be made out.
➢ Multiple charges, as per the procedural lapses, can be made for one incident. However, punishment given shall be only one.
• Punishment order by the Disciplinary Authority not to be implemented till the final disposal of Appeal by the Appellate Authority.
➢ This proposal was not agreed to.
• Disciplinary action should not be taken after retirement quoting Pension Regulation as the same is not provided in Bipartite Settlement.
➢ Issue needs to be discussed at Full Negotiating Committee
• Awarding the punishment of stoppage of increments should be without affecting superannuation benefits, as in the case of Officers.
➢ Disciplinary Authority may be given the discretion to decide whether the punishment will affect superannuation benefit or not.
• Provision to be added for making an Appeal against suspension of employees
➢ Suspension is not a punishment and hence this proposal cannot be accepted.
• In cased of dismissal as punishment, there should be a Review Authority after Appellate Authority. ➢ Not acceptable.
• Imposing ‘Fine’ as punishment should be deleted from the list of punishments.
➢ Agreed to recommend deletion to the Full Negotiating Committee
Read - Calculate Clerks Salary Difference after 11th Bipartite Wage Revision
Issues which were discussed in the meeting
• Transportation of personal effects by train or road while on transfer from one station to another: Some improvements would be considered looking to entitlement of officers.
• Increase in Breakage Allowance while on transportation of personal effects: agreed to increase the existing entitlement by 10% for both With Receipt Basis and Declaration Basis.
• Festival Advance to employees – increase in quantum: Agreed to finalise it by discussion in the main negotiating committee and recommend to the Government.
• Problems of Ex-servicemen employees in fitment, etc: Government guidelines from the Finance Ministry are being implemented. Circular with FAQ will be prepared and sent to all Banks for proper implementation of the Government guidelines.
• Definition of family for coverage under Group Medical Insurance Policy – Any two of parents or parents-in-law to be covered: Matter will be taken up with United India Insurance Company.
• Privilege Leave taken on sick grounds where sick leave is exhausted should not be counted as an occasion in the entitlement of 4 occasions in an year: Agreed.
• Maternity Leave can be availed in combination and continuation of other kinds of leave: Agreed.
Follow up action in issues covered by Record Note on retirees issues dated 25-5-2015:
• LFC for retired employees – IBA is not in favour. • Fixing the premium on medical insurance scheme for retirees – Separate discussions will be held with UFBU.
• Increase in Ex-Gratia Pension to pre-1986 retirees/spouses – will be recommended to Government. • Revision of Family Pension – will be discussed further in the full negotiating committee.
• Updation of pension and periodical revision in pension along with wage revision for in-service employees - will be discussed further in the full negotiating committee.
• Revision in DA on pension on quarterly basis like serving employees - will be discussed further in the full negotiating committee.
• Allocation of fund for Staff Welfare Schemes based on Operating Profits instead of Net Profit – matter has been recommended to Government and their decision is awaited.
Issues relating to Disciplinary Action and Procedure:
• These issues were discussed in a Small Committee of IBA and Workman Unions. The gist of the discussions, the issues raised by us and their response are given below:
• Eligibility for claiming TA/DA by the Defence Representatives for attending departmental enquiries held outside the State. ➢ Such claims will be sanctioned by Banks looking to the merits of the claims.
• Improvement and enhancement in rates of Subsistence Allowance payable to employees on suspension.
➢ Matter will be discussed further in the Full Negotiating Committee
• Indiscriminate use of Clause 5(j) relating to acts alleged as prejudicial to the interest of the Bank
➢ “Doing any act prejudicial to the interest of the Bank” will be included under Minor Misconduct as a new Clause 7(q).
• Clarification with regard to provision of Clause 6(e) of Settlement dt 10-4-2002 i.e. bringing down by two stages in the scale of pay
Read - Calculate Clerks Salary Difference after 11th Bipartite Wage Revision
➢ The specific period of rigour shall be mentioned in the punishment order. It can be for a maximum of 2 years without cumulative effect and annual increment/stagnation increment falling due during the rigour period will be released on respective due dates.
Clarification to be given that acts of minor misconducts clearly enumerated under Clause 7 of Settlement dated 10.4.2002 should not be brought as major misconduct under Clause 5. ➢ Unions’ contention is agreed upon.
• Multiple charges for one incident should not be made out.
➢ Multiple charges, as per the procedural lapses, can be made for one incident. However, punishment given shall be only one.
• Punishment order by the Disciplinary Authority not to be implemented till the final disposal of Appeal by the Appellate Authority.
➢ This proposal was not agreed to.
• Disciplinary action should not be taken after retirement quoting Pension Regulation as the same is not provided in Bipartite Settlement.
➢ Issue needs to be discussed at Full Negotiating Committee
• Awarding the punishment of stoppage of increments should be without affecting superannuation benefits, as in the case of Officers.
➢ Disciplinary Authority may be given the discretion to decide whether the punishment will affect superannuation benefit or not.
• Provision to be added for making an Appeal against suspension of employees
➢ Suspension is not a punishment and hence this proposal cannot be accepted.
• In cased of dismissal as punishment, there should be a Review Authority after Appellate Authority. ➢ Not acceptable.
• Imposing ‘Fine’ as punishment should be deleted from the list of punishments.
➢ Agreed to recommend deletion to the Full Negotiating Committee
IBA Meeting