Five Days a week is the most sought demand by the bankers in the 11th Bipartite Wage Negotiation. The demand for five days a week is so strong in this settlement that public sector bank employee's are even ready for sacrificing a part of their salary hike for all saturday off , but the outcome of the recent discussion made on 19th June 2018 with IBA was not favourable, atleast related to FIVE DAYS BANKING !
In the meeting with IBA and UFBU, the Possibility of 5 day week was just touched.
IBA representatives want to take up the issue of Five Days Banking for bankers in IBA's forthcoming Managing Committee Meeting scheduled on 24 June. At that meet, the decision on 5 days banking will be finalized.
Earlier it was communicated by the UFBU that the discussion on five days banking over and IBA agreed on it.