UFBU may agree on the finalization of 11th Bipartite Settlement Before 25th March

11th BPS Updates - After the proposed meeting, it is said that the IBA agreed on the majority of the demands raised by the UFBU as per the charter of Demands : 

1) 15%  hike in the Basic Pay 
2) 47.80% (478 Slabs) DA merger
3) 2% Load Factor on Basic pay 
4) Average total increase in Pay @49.80 % including the load factor
5) 13% will be distributed in various Allowances
6) DA rate in future will be @ 0.07 per slab (now balance of slabs will be  681-478=203 slabs) 

It is believed that the wage revision is almost finalized except the 5 days banking. The decision on 5 days banking is still to be taken as there are many stake holders in this including home sectretary.
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