Official excel based 11th BPS Salary Calculator for bank employees by Canara Bank Officers Union (CBOO). The excel based Salary and Arrears Calculation package is not only for the canara bank rather for the benefit of all the officers in the Banking Industry working in the Nationalized bank.
Salient Features of the Calculator:
- Can Caluclate the loss of pay.
- Arrears calculation of Medical aid is taken care of.
- As far as stagnation increments are concerned, since monetary benefit on account of revised periodicity shall be payable only from November 2020 salary, input of month and year of reaching maximum scale needs to be given for calculating pension.
Impact on BPS on officers’ salary:
Also Read - 11th BPS Salary Arrears Calculator
The increase in payslip components varies from 12.5% to 16.5% across the scales. It appears that more you move up in the scale, the lesser will be the increase in the salary!!. Officers not drawing HRA will get less increase in their salary (12.50 to 13. 75%) than officers who are getting HRA ( 14 to 15%).
Rural officers get little more increase than their urban counterparts. Though periodicity of stagnation increments is reduced, not much monetary benefit would accrue by way of arrears since it is made effective from 1.11.2020.
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