As per our expectaion, AIBEA calls two days countrywide Gnenral Strike of Bank Employees on 8th & 9th January 2019 but 'NOT FOR 11th BIPARTITE Wage Settlement' rather to support their peers in Central Government departments like Railways and defence.
The National convention of workers which was called by the 10 Central Trade Unions and held on 28th of Sept 2018 in New Delhi. All the Trade unions affiliated to Banks, Insurance, Central Government Employees, State Government Employees, Defence, Railways etc participated in this conference.
Read - IBA Came Up with New Formula, Hike will be given on Individual Banks' Performance
Read - IBA Came Up with New Formula, Hike will be given on Individual Banks' Performance
The Major demands are :
1. Minimum Wages Rs 18,000 Per Month
2. Minimum Pension Rs 6,000
3. No Share sell of PSU's
4. No Privatization of PSU's
5. No Outsourcing
There is nothing which is related to Banking as such, so Banker's get ready to pay deduction of two days for higher salary demand of Central Government Employees.
I hardly seen in previous 10+ years and so, PSU's or Central Government Employees had ever supported the Bank cause. But we had supported them at the cost of our salary !!!! I don't know whether you agree or not but Charity must start from home !!!!
Anyway check out the circular for Strike released by AIBEA : Download Here
11th Bipartite